मान्यता नियमों का पालन नहीं करने वाले स्कूलों पर होगी कार्यवाही
Action will be taken against schools that do not follow recognition rules लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय ने जारी किए सभी जिलों...
Action will be taken against schools that do not follow recognition rules लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय ने जारी किए सभी जिलों...
Sports competition being organized in the annual festival at Sai Aradhana ITI हरिप्रसाद गोहे आमला। नगर के रैदास वार्ड स्थित...
The judge gave necessary information to the students in the legal literacy camp. गुडटच-बैडटच, मोटरयान अधिनियम तथा मोबाईल के दुष्परिणाम...
Teacher did not get benefits even after 13 years of promotion, appealed to the collector; Negligence of education department officials...
Children should not be deprived of exams under any circumstances, otherwise action will be taken निजी स्कूलों की मनमानी के...
Application open for free school admission under RTE in Madhya Pradesh मध्य प्रदेश राज्य शिक्षा केन्द्र, भोपाल द्वारा शैक्षणिक सत्र...
प्राचार्य ने स्काउट गाइड की भूमिका को सराहनीय बताया बच्चों को दिलाई शपथ Sir Baden Powell's birthday celebrated as a...
Preparation to recall professors attached to various departments for years अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद के ज्ञापन के बाद विभाग जुटा...
Now foreign professors will take online class in triple IIIT, students will get special guidance in many subjects अब विदेशी...
2 साल में भी कमेटी की जांच नहीं हुई पूरी; शासकीय भूमि पर किया था। कब्जा Demand for youth revolution...
Private schools will have to give details of three years including fees लोक शिक्षण संचालनालय ने जारी किए सभी जिलों...
There was a mess regarding the money received in the Higher Secondary School, in the name of getting the work...
Children studying in schools should be made aware of their rights: School Education Minister बाल अधिकारों पर मप्र बाल अधिकार...
Health and medical education departments will merge, PM College of Excellence will open in all districts भोपाल ! मध्यप्रदेश में...
Children showed their talent in the science fair, prepared many models सर्वश्रेष्ठ मॉडलों का संयुक्त दल ने किया चयन ।...