लापरवाही की हद है…करना था घुटने का इलाज, कर दिया छाती का ऑपरेशन, मरीज की मौत
This is the limit of carelessness… had to treat the knee, did a chest operation, the patient died रायपुर में...
This is the limit of carelessness… had to treat the knee, did a chest operation, the patient died रायपुर में...
Eating tomatoes can cure dangerous diseases like cancer, know the benefits टमाटर में विटामिन C ही नहीं सोडियम, फास्फोरस, कैल्शियम,...
Do not take headache lightly, it can lead to serious diseases. जानें राहत पाने के उपाय सिरदर्द होने पर आमतौर...
Health Ministry's advice - Protect yourself from seasonal flu, know what to do and what not to do? फरवरी-मार्च के...
There was a stir in the government primary school on Republic Day, health of 58 children deteriorated after eating puri-laddus....
AIIMS: IVF facility for childless couples will start soon प्रसूति एवं स्त्री रोग विभाग ने मनाया अपना स्थापना दिवस आईवीएफ...
Due to lack of staff in sub health center, people are not getting the benefit of the facility. कटनी ।...
Repeatedly giving different antibiotics has no effect on patients. एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं का असर मरीजों पर जांचने के लिए जारी हुई...
Two day training program on collection and voluntary certification सीताराम कुशवाहा सहारा समाचार विदिशा ! आयुष विभाग जिला विदिशा के...
A lock is placed on the Sub health Center built at a cost of millions, depriving people of access to...
The influenza virus spreads rapidly during the cold weather. फ्लू इन्फ्लूएंजा वायरस के कारण होता है, जो नाक, गला और...
The thorny devil's snare plant is beneficial for health, possessing numerous medicinal properties. हमारे आसपास कई तरह के पेड़ पौधे...
The danger of this illness is now looming over the youth, becoming a continuous threat. विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने एकाकीपन...
We have a shortage of doctors. In India, there is one doctor per 1000 population, and it is crucial to...