यातायात व्यवस्था सुधारने को लेकर हुई बैठक तय रूट पर चलेंगे ई रिक्शा उल्लंघन करने पर होगी कार्यवाही दिखाने होंगे कागज
A meeting was held to improve the transportation system, and action will be taken for violations of the designated route...
A meeting was held to improve the transportation system, and action will be taken for violations of the designated route...
Udan Dasta apprehended vehicles for the illegal transportation of rice on Kalewara Art Road.. कटनी। कैलवारा कला मार्ग पर 670.50...
Sarpanch association submitted memorandum to the Governor regarding the dispute between Naib Tehsildar and Sarpanch. कटनी! स्लीमनाबाद/ ग्राम पंचायत सलैया...
In the public hearing, the police captain heard and dismissed the issues raised by the citizens. Special Correspondent, Sahara Samachaar,...
The arrangement for rice procurement has opened, causing the government millions in losses under the guise of rice purchases. Special...
Children will receive 2,000 rupees every month under the private sponsorship scheme. Special Correspondent, Sahara Samachaar, Katni.कटनी। जिले के बेसहारा...
As per the High Court, the widening of the road commissioner will be done, and a meeting of landowners is...
The municipal bulldozer was deployed against those encroaching upon the municipal boundary. Special Correspondent, Sahara Samachaar, Katniकटनी। सरकारी जमीनों में...
The association has accused the GRP station in-charge of illegal extortion. एसोसिएशन ने पुलिस कप्तान से कार्रवाई की मांग सदस्य...
The police apprehended an individual with playing cards in connection with illegal gambling. बिलहरी चौकी क्षेत्र से पुलिस ने एक...
Reaching Khushra Naigawan, CEO Mr. Gamavat, had a meal with the children and motivated them for education. सीईओ ने स्व...
The viral video depicts a police constable accepting a bribe inside a temple. कटनी। मध्य प्रदेश के कटनी के न्यायालय...
Cracks have appeared in the sub-tehsil office building due to the contractor's negligence in quality construction; an investigation will be...
A substandard wall of a girls' hostel, constructed at a cost of 4.4 million, was being built with corruption involved,...
Person's with Disability, senior citizens, and patients are facing difficulties in accessing the Katni Junction railway station premises. Special Correspondent,...