ठेकेदार के द्वारा सड़क निर्माण में घटिया सामग्री के किया जा रहा इस्तेमाल।
Poor quality materials are being used in road construction by the contractor. सीताराम कुशवाहा विदिशा, ग्यारसपुर तहसील के मानोरा से...
Poor quality materials are being used in road construction by the contractor. सीताराम कुशवाहा विदिशा, ग्यारसपुर तहसील के मानोरा से...
In the last 12 months, nearly 60% of healthcare organizations in India had to face cyberattacks. Manish Trivedi नई दिल्ली:...
Action against illegal drug traffickers. कौशल तिवारीरीठी, कटनी, 1 किलो 300 ग्राम गांजा के साथ पुलिस के हत्थे चढ़ा गांजा...
School building construction is incomplete, and there have been irregularities in the Sokapita River purification project. There is an ongoing...
Case has been registered under Section 61-Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of the Madhya Pradesh Panchayat Raj and Gram Swaraj...
Uproar over suspicious death of independent election candidate's son. संदिग्ध परिस्थियों में निर्दलीय प्रत्याशी के बेटे सोनू की मौत, देर...
During the checking, Rs 3,46,800 were confiscated. Manish Trivediसारंगपुर, जिला पुलिस अधीक्षक धर्मराज सिंह मीना (IPS) के द्वारा विधानसभा चुनाव...
More than 50 lakhs worth of Ganja was found in containers in the hidden chamber of a truck. मनमोहन नायककटनी...
Kuthla police's action, two arrested with illegal weapons. मनमोहन नायककटनी। आगामी विधानसभा निर्वाचन 2023 को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए अवैध शस्त्रों...
Lokayukta police arrested the Assistant Manager of the State Rural Livelihood Mission for taking a bribe of 3500 rupees. शरद...
Sensitive personal data of 81.5 million Indian users leaked on the dark web. मनीष त्रिवेदीनई दिल्ली, भारतीय इतिहास में सबसे...
During the investigation in front of the police station, the FST team seized an amount exceeding 10 lakhs. Manish Trivediबालाघाट।...
Raid by the Lokayukta in the mining office. Home guard soldiers and drivers arrested for taking bribes of 12 thousand...
Mihona police station arrested two extortionists with a total of 10 lakh rupees in bribes संतोष सिंह तोमर भिण्ड। मध्य...
Police Achieves Major Success: Captures 18 Lakhs in Cash from Vehicle Sitaram Kushwahaग्यारसपुर, जिला विदिशा मध्य प्रदेश, ग्यारसपुर थाना क्षेत्र...