हेल्थ टिप्स – क्या ज्यादा फायदेमंद? आलू या शकरकंद, एक्सपर्ट से जानें बेनिफिट्स, ज्यादा खाने के नुकसान, किसे नहीं खाना चाहिए
Which is more beneficial? Potato or sweet potato हर भारतीय रसोई में आलू और शकरकंद की खास जगह है। ये...
Which is more beneficial? Potato or sweet potato हर भारतीय रसोई में आलू और शकरकंद की खास जगह है। ये...
Detailed information and benefits related to Arjuna tree which is rich in medicinal properties. अर्जुन के पेड़ को औषधीय पेड़...
Madhya Pradesh: Posts of thousands of pharmacists are vacant yet the health department is ignoring it? भोपाल ( कमलेश )।...
Doctors federation alert on supply of non-standard medicines, letter written to CM भोपाल ! प्रदेश के सरकारी अस्पताल में अमानक...
The joint team of drug inspector and CMHO created a stir in the city due to the action taken against...
The orders of the Food and Drug Controller are being flouted by the Raisen Drug Inspector. Special Correspondent, Raisen, Madhya...
Madhya Pradesh administration strict after Kolkata incident, background of government hospital employees will be ascertained भोपाल। कोलकाता के आरजी कर...
Deficiency of which vitamin causes early ageing? Scientists discovered उम्र बढ़ना एक प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिया है. हर कोई बूढ़ा होता है,...
Every third Indian is in the grip of this dangerous disease, know what is this disease लिवर शरीर में प्रोटीन,...
Hot veg broth will provide relief from cold and blocked nose in monsoon, know the easy recipe to make it....
Bottle gourd raita will benefit the body in the scorching heat, know how to make it अप्रैल का महीना चल...
Eating tomatoes can cure dangerous diseases like cancer, know the benefits टमाटर में विटामिन C ही नहीं सोडियम, फास्फोरस, कैल्शियम,...
Complete medicines are not available in the district hospital, citizens are forced to take medicines from outside. कटनी । शासन...
Moringa leaves are a boon for diabetic patients, they are rich in nutrients. मोरिंगा की फली का इस्तेमाल कई तरह...
Do not take headache lightly, it can lead to serious diseases. जानें राहत पाने के उपाय सिरदर्द होने पर आमतौर...