अभय कुमार पाटिल वन विभाग के नए मुखिया
Abhay Kumar Patil new head of forest department एक महीने के लिए ही होगा कार्यकालउदित नारायणभोपाल. राज्य शासन ने वन...
Abhay Kumar Patil new head of forest department एक महीने के लिए ही होगा कार्यकालउदित नारायणभोपाल. राज्य शासन ने वन...
Action taken on passenger vehicles, Transport Department in action. उमरिया, प्रदेश के गुना जिले में हुए भीषण सड़क हादसे के...
Departments of ministers decided, who got the responsibility of which department? छत्तीसगढ़ में मंत्रियों के विभाग तय, ओपी चौधरी वित्त...
Death of leopard cub brought for treatment in forest parkभोपाल। सामान्य वनमंडल अलीराजपुर की परिक्षेत्र जोबट के ग्राम छोटा उण्डवा...
50 IAS-IPS officers on Mohan government's radar, scanning from Bhopal to Delhi उदित नारायण भोपाल। मप्र में नयी सरकार आने...
What is Deepfake technology, how can it be avoided. डीपफेक्स क्या है? डीपफेक्स एक तकनीक है जिसमें कंप्यूटर द्वारा व्यक्ति...
13 IPS of 2006 batch became IG, Home Department issued promotion orders. गृह विभाग ने जारी किए पदोन्नति आदेश गृह...
The works of the beneficiaries should be resolved satisfactorily, Additional Chief Secretary SN Mishra चंद्रपाल सिंह दमोह ! हितग्राहियों के...
The station has been accredited as an 'Eat Right Station' for providing safe and nutritious food services. हरिप्रसाद गोहे आमला...
The Mayor issued directives to officials during the municipal corporation water supply department meeting to implement comprehensive practices. विशेष संवाददाता...
Late-night surveillance was initiated on irregularities related to procurement, leading to the apprehension of rice thieves उपार्जन संबंधी अनियमितताओं पर,...
The officers also do not take action on packed food items being sold in shops without packaging and without a...
Inspections were conducted by the Food Security Administration to remove meat and fish retail shops located in the Nagar Meat...
For vehicles operating without a permit, the responsibility will be assigned to the senior officials of the Transport Department: Chief...
The one whose transfer was announced by the Chief Minister, has been assigned to Jabalpur. विशेष संवाददाता, सहारा समाचार, जबलपुर. ...